PiTech News

Report: Fellowship PiTech Initiative Cornell Tech Report: Fellowship PiTech Initiative Cornell Tech

The New York Botanical Garden Canopy Classification Dataset - A Dataset for Machine Learning Tasks in Biodiversity Informatics

Biodiversity monitoring is an important task in conservation biology, however, it is resource intensive, requiring time, money, expertise, and a large on–the–ground presence that is not always possible due to conflict, politics, etc. Potentially traditional biodiversity monitoring techniques can be supplemented with an inexpensive tool that utilizes remote sensing data and deep learning models to remotely monitor biodiversity. 

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Report: Fellowship PiTech Initiative Cornell Tech Report: Fellowship PiTech Initiative Cornell Tech

How Can People With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Be Supported With Computer Vision AI in the Future?

People with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) seek to live independent and self-determined lives. However, they often need support to succeed with their daily routines. The organization YAI trains and employs direct support professionals (DSPs), who are the backbone of that support. Depending on amount of support they need, people with I/DD can be on labor-intensive one-on-one (and even two-on-one) staffing for long periods of their day and night and, to make matters more complicated, they may have other health conditions, such as epilepsy.

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Report: Fellowship PiTech Initiative Cornell Tech Report: Fellowship PiTech Initiative Cornell Tech

Tech Entrepreneurialism As a Tool for Addressing the Needs of NYC’s Vulnerable Populations & Fostering Positive Social Impact

Imaginaries of tech entrepreneurship and startup culture typically conjure up images of tech giants, Silicon Valley, and Ivy League drop-outs climbing their way to billionaire status. Rarely, if ever, do discussions of tech and start-up culture render thoughts about the realities, the aspirations of vulnerable populations. The Robinhood Foundation, a New York centered philanthropic organization geared towards alleviating poverty, is working to change this. Through their programming with Blue Ridge Labs, they deploy two programs to systematize the creation of technologies, start-ups, and founders dedicated to creating a positive social impact in New York City.

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Report: Fellowship PiTech Initiative Cornell Tech Report: Fellowship PiTech Initiative Cornell Tech

Statistical modeling of New York City building construction times with the NYC Department of Design and Construction

The New York City Department of Design and Construction (DDC) is a city government agency that manages the construction of public buildings, such as libraries and courthouses, and infrastructures, such as roadwork and electrical systems, throughout the city’s five boroughs. The density and diversity of urban landscapes within the United States’ most populous city present unique challenges to planning construction projects; in particular, being able to accurately estimate the amount of time required for construction is important for allocating resources and ensuring minimal disruption to the neighborhood surrounding a construction project.

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Report: Fellowship PiTech Initiative Cornell Tech Report: Fellowship PiTech Initiative Cornell Tech

Identifying Scientific Names in Biodiversity Literature at New York Botanical Garden

Biodiversity literature is dedicated to the identification, documentation, and categorization of plants, fungi, animals, and other living organisms. Correctly extracting the name of an organism within these documents involves finding the entire scientific name–including the genus, specific epithet, and author name (a plant name shown below). Extracting these names allows biologists to access documents about a species more comprehensively, and to track an organism’s history of documentation by botanists, which includes biological changes and changes in how scientists describe them. However, correctly finding organisms by their scientific names is made difficult by ambiguous abbreviations, changing botanical and zoological codes and conventions, and poor data quality.

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Report: Fellowship PiTech Initiative Cornell Tech Report: Fellowship PiTech Initiative Cornell Tech

Aligning childcare with business objectives at Childcare Innovation Lab - women.nyc

The US federal government sees childcare as affordable if it does not exceed 7 percent of income. It may be no surprise that licensed 0-3 home-based and center-based childcare is unaffordable for most New York City households. Moreover, unmet childcare needs come at a cost to businesses. Before COVID-19, employers lost $12.7 billion a year due to employee childcare challenges. COVID-19 related school and daycare closures exacerbated these losses, as millions of women left the workforce.

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Report: Fellowship Jessie Taft Report: Fellowship Jessie Taft

Improving IT Support Workflows at NYC Housing Authority

How does a 90-year old government agency with 12,000 employees embrace technology on all fronts: hardware, software, and the processes that come with managing both? Part of the struggle lies in IT support — an often overlooked yet crucial part of every business. At the NYC Housing Authority (NYCHA), IT support employees already process 9.2k tickets per month. Yet with increased need for digital devices and business software, IT issues are bound to increase.

Without an intuitive and useful workflow for resolving IT issues, employees may feel frustrated, stuck, and unable to complete their tasks. They are less able to serve the 300,000+ tenants who live in NYCHA’s public housing developments in NYC. What tickets were NYCHA employees even submitting to resolve their IT issues?

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Report: Fellowship PiTech Initiative Cornell Tech Report: Fellowship PiTech Initiative Cornell Tech

Understanding How Companies Handle Data-Rights Requests with Consumer Reports

For many years, the online consumer data ecosystem was a digital wild west: Consumers had almost no way to protect their online data, especially once it was already collected by companies.

Fortunately, recent consumer privacy regulations have since created safeguards for consumers’ online data. Laws like the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) or General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) have empowered users with new online data rights. Under CCPA, for instance, California residents can send requests to companies asking to access, delete, or opt-out of the sale of their personal data.

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Report: Fellowship Jessie Taft Report: Fellowship Jessie Taft

Impact Fellowship 2022

As the Public Interest Technology Initiative at Cornell Tech enters its third academic year, it continues to bring a public interest lens to graduate studies at Cornell Tech.

PiTech Initiative programs are specialized to the needs of individuals across all stages of the academic career trajectory, from master’s students and PhDs, to Postdocs and Faculty. Our goal is to create meaningful ways for each of those groups to apply technology to serve public needs and engage with social impact organizations throughout their time at Cornell Tech.

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